About the Business
Terry Chipp's paintings, drawings and prints are in private collections across the world. From his base in South Yorkshire, England, they have spread to 10 countries across 4 continents. From the haze of the Venetian Lagoon to the detail of a humble window latch Terry Chipp expresses the way things have changed over time and the traces that people have left on their environment. By combining structured drawing with the free use of colour and texture his paintings and drawings explore the balance between the permanent and ephemeral aspects of his subjects.
As well as creating and exhibiting his own work, Terry Chipp has given demonstrations and talks to art groups and has extensive experience of working in schools with children and staff at all levels.
Location & Hours

Studio 2, Brevon Art Gallery, 6 Bass Terrace
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Terry Chipp - Artist
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Studio 2, Brevon Art Gallery, 6 Bass Terrace, Doncaster, DN1 2HZ