About the Business
A new year, a new website and the start of a new road to some long-held goals. 2015 is looking like a busy year, and the order book is very healthy. There is always time to complete commissions as they come in and I am welcoming new enquiries so please do get in touch if you have any ideas that you would like to discuss. I had the opportunity to train at one of the studios in Florence a few years ago but decided to invest in the gallery instead. Now the training has come to Salisbury, in a building overlooking the beautiful cathedral. I plan to study full-time for the first two terms this year, giving me the second half of the year to concentrate on my other plans. I will do the same in 2016 as well. I would like to follow in the footsteps of my ancestor John Linnell as a portrait artist capable of working from live models. Once I have completed training in this exceptional and accurate technique, a lifetime goal will have been achieved.
Location & Hours

45 Salisbury Street